Total Waste Management Services II (Ref: 2020/S 227-560595)
This framework agreement aims to provide a compliant route to market for contracting authorities for a safe, sustainable, and efficient waste management service. It is split into six lots covering the main waste services contracted by the NHS and wider public sector bodies.
Start date
End date
2 x 12 months
Contract type
Framework agreement
Framework owner
NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
ABI 1%
List of suppliers and awarded lots
- Bagnall & Morris (Waste Services) Ltd
- Biffa Waste Services Ltd
- Cliniwaste
- Environmental Waste Controls Ltd
- Medisort Ltd
- Mitie Waste and Environmental Services Ltd
- Rentokil T/A Initial Medial Services
- Restore Datashred Ltd
- Sharpsmart Ltd
- Shred Station Ltd
- Shredall (EM) Ltd
- Shred-it Ltd
- SRCL Ltd T/A Stericycle
- SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd
- Tradebe Healthcare National Ltd
- Uniscope International Ltd T/A U Shred Ltd
- Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Ltd.
Contact name
Patrick Pereira & Stephen Evans
Contact email
Contact number
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